We are living in twenty first century where everything has been modified so are our forms of entertainment. Nowadays, people entertain themselves by watching television, going to amusement parks, partying in clubs, etc. But one form of entertainment which has been there since ages is the entertaining acts performed in circuses. Circus is a public spectacle which is set in a large arena and variety of acts are performed there by different performers. Every kind of entertainer or performer can be seen in a circus like gymnast, acrobat, etc. In this article, we will be discussing about acrobat circus and also about the various forms of other acts that are performed in a circus.
Circus can be defined as a spot for public spectacle which is set in a large arena. This arena is covered by tents in which variety of shows are performed. These shows might include display of physical skills, acts performed by wild animals that have been well trained, performances by clowns, athletic contests and many more such performances.
Acrobat circus:
Acrobat is the kind of an entertainer or an athlete who performs extraordinary gymnastic stunts. The focus always lies on strength, balance and flexibility while performing such acts. The costume of acrobats usually comprises of tight fitting Lycra which shows the shapes their bodies make while performing the act. So, acrobatic performance in a circus is an artistic performance in which the acrobat showcases his skills, agility and coordination.
Various other forms of circus acts:
Various different kinds of acts can be witnessed in a circus. We know about acrobatic acts performed in a circus, let us overview about some other acts as well. There are animal acts in which well trained animals like big cats, elephants, horses, birds performs the act. Then there is Chinese pole act in which the performer climbs and slides on a pole showcasing different innovative poses. Other than these, there are comedy acts. In such acts clown tries to lift the mood of public by doing insane acts without speaking anything. Hand balanced acts can also be seen in a circus. In such act, the performer stands upside down erectly, with the support of only one hand on the ground. Besides the above mentioned acts; there are contortionists’ acts, foot juggler acts, cyr wheel acts and many more such acts.
Circus is the form of entertainment which has been around since ages. It is the public spectacle in which variety of acts is performed to entertain people. These acts vary from jugular acts to wild animal’s acts and from cyr wheel acts to Chinese pole act. One such form of acts which is quite popularly known for being performed in circuses is acrobatic act. In acrobatic circus, the acrobat displays his talent of flexibility and balance by performing different stunts. “Wonder land spiegeltent Australia” offers the innovative acrobat circus and many other forms of circus acts as well.